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(Poitiers-France) The most famous French gaming tournament - Gamers Assembly 2011 - was held on April 23 to April 25 in Poitiers, France. As one of the major event sponsors, MSI not only provided great hardware prizes, but the e-sports teams FnaticMSI and Millenium it has been supported over time even won prizes for various games, including the StarCraft II, Counter-Strike 1.6, Heroes of Newerth and more. MSI was even interviewed by French TV and other leading French media, thus becoming the focused hardware supplier of the event!

MSI Booth at Gamers Assembly 2011

eSports Zone at Gamers Assembly 2011

As the most indicative e-sports event in France, the Gamers Assembly is expanding its scale every year. This year, a total of 813 e-sportsmen signed up to this 3-day event to compete while also attracting 4,000 visitors. In recent years, MSI has been very active in the e-sports market. Through close cooperation with the Gamers Assembly, MSI became the largest exhibitor at the event. In addition to displaying products for gamers to experience extreme performance, MSI has sponsored web media Millenium TV to webcast the event live at the MSI booth. During this 3-day event, the telecast attracted 25,000 viewers. The interview of leading media even significantly increased the exposure of MSI and let to discussion and feedback on product.

Leading French media French TV interviewed MSI at the event.

French web media webcast the event live.

Contest between visitors on the site.

The performance of two e-sports teams, Millenium and FnaticMSI, supported by MSI over time made for the greatest performance at the event. The French Millenium took the general group champion and first-runner up of elite challenge in StarCraft II, the first runner-up in the Counter-Strike 1.6, and the champion for Counter-Strike Girl. FnaticMSI took the laureate of the Heros of Newerth.

Millenium took the first runner-up of the Counter-Strike 1.6

FnaticMSI took the champion of the Heros of Newerth

Additionally, MSI sponsored a large quantity of hardware as the prizes for the event. It even organized a lucky draw to extend that joy with visitors. Lastly, a lucky e-sports-lady took home the grand prize, a set computer valued €989.99!

Hardware prize sponsored by MSI.

A lucky e-sports-lady won the big prize.

This 3-day event ended in the great joy of gamers. MSI has won the unanimous recognition of both contestants and the media in terms of both event involvement and product display. Overall, MSI has successfully consolidated its brand image on the e-sports market. If you are interested in exploring more information, please visit the official website of the Gamers Assembly 2011 at

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Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan : 1. Bagaiaman Garansi MSI di A3 jika masa ganransi sudah habis - kewajiban A3 setelah masa garansi habis adalah membantu servis - Kita akan berusaha untuk membantu servis semaksimal kami mampu - Jika A3 tidak mampu dan harus dikirim ke RMA (Taiwan) kita akan bantu kirim ke RMA dengan konfirmasi terlebih dahalu, dan biasanya waktu yang dbutuhkan cukup lama tergntung persetujuan user kalo setuju kita kirim kalo tidak kami kembalikan - Barang yang sudah dikirim ke RMA ditengah waktu tiba2 di batalkn tidak bisa kami kembalikan secapatnya harus mengikuti jadwal pengiriman yang telah ada, PERHATIAN: Garansi MSI tidak berlaku jika untuk hal-hal sbb 1. Produk MSI sudah dluar garansi OOW (Out OF Waranty) 2. Disebabkan karena bencana, gempa bumi, petir, kebakaran, tergangan abnormal, dsb atau kegagalan karena faktor lingkungan lainya 3. pengoperasian produk MSI tidak mengikuti buku petunjuk penggunaan dari produk 4 Barcode hilang 5. Komponen diganti oleh custmer sendiri tanpa izin dari MSI atau mengganti dengan komponen yang tidak asli

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