Alfha Artha Andhaya Surabaya
THR Mall Lt. 2 B No. 25-26 Jl. Kusumah Bangsa No. 117-118 Surabaya - Indonesia Telp. 031-5481002, fax. 031-5480819

MSI Calls Bluff on Gigabyte's PCIe Gen 3 Ready Claim


In August, Gigabyte made a claim that baffled at least MSI, that scores of its motherboards are Ready for Native PCIe Gen. 3. Along with the likes of ASRock, MSI was one of the first with motherboards featuring PCI-Express 3.0 slots, the company took the pains to educate buyers what PCI-E 3.0 is, and how to spot a motherboard that features it. MSI thinks that Gigabyte made a factual blunder bordering misinformation by claiming that as many as 40 of its motherboards are "Ready for Native PCIe Gen. 3." MSI decided to put its engineering and PR team to build a technically-sound presentation rebutting Gigabyte's claims.

More slides, details follow.

MSI begins by explaining that PCIe support isn't as easy as laying a wire between the CPU and the slot. It needs specifications-compliant lane switches and electrical components, and that you can't count on certain Gigabytes for future-proofing.

MSI did some PCI-Express electrical testing using a 22 nm Ivy Bridge processor sample.

MSI claims that apart from the G1.Sniper 2, none of Gigabyte's so-called "Ready for Native PCIe Gen. 3" motherboards are what the badge claims to be, and that the badge is extremely misleading to buyers. Time to refill the popcorn bowl.
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Idul Fitri 1432H/2011M

Seluruh Keluarga Besar Alfa Artha Andhaya Surabaya mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul FItri 1432H dengan ucapan Taqabbalallahu minaa wa minka, [Semoga Allah  menerima amal kami dan amal Anda]

Assalamua’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabaraktuh
Pak, saya mau tanya. Artinya Taqabballahu Minna Waminkum, Taqabbal Yaa
Kariim itu apa ya? seharusnya yang kita ucapkan sewaktu hari Raya Idul
Fitri itu apa? Apakah doa di atas atau Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin? Sekian
pertanyaan saya, terima kasih banyak.

Waassalamua’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh.
Assalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Al-hamdulillah, wash-shalatu wassalamu ‘ala rasulillah, wa ba’du

Diantara sekian banyak ungkapan atau ucapan selamat (arab: tahni’ah) dalam suasana hari ‘Ied Al-Fithr, nyaris semuanya tidak ada riwayatnya yang berasal dari Rasulullah SAW. Kecuali lafadz taqabbalallahu minaa wa minka, yang maknanya, “Semoga Allah SWT menerima amal kami dan amal Anda.”
Namun riwayat yang menyebutkan hal ini oleh banyak ulama tidak lepas dari kritik. Salah satunya adalah Al-Baihaqi yang mendhaifkannya. Beliau membuat satu bab khusus dalam kitabnya, As-Sunan Al-Kubra, dinamai bab itu dengan “Bab apa-apa yang diriwayatkan tentang ucapan sesama orang-orang pada hari ‘Ied: taqabbalallahu minaa wa minka.” Di dalam bab tersebut, Al-Baihaqi menyebutkan banyak hadits yang berisikan lafadz tersebut, namun
beliau mendhaifkan hadits-hadits itu. Sebagai gantinya beliau menuliskan sebuah riwayat yang bukan hadits dari Rasulullah SAW, melainkan hanya riwayat yang menjelaskan bahwa Khalifah
Umar bin Abdul Aziz mendiamkan ungkapan tersebut. Bahwa Adham maula Umar bin Abdil Aziz berkata,”Dahulu kami mengucapkan kepada Umar bin Abdil Aziz pada hari ‘Ied, “taqabbalallahu minaa wa minka, ya amiral mukminin”, maka beliau pun menjawabnya dan tidak mengingkarinya. (Lihat As-Sunan Al-Kubra, oleh Al-Baihaqi jilid 3 halaman 319).
Tapi sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama, meski sebuah hadits itu dianggap dha’if, tapi selama tidak sampai tingkat kedhaifan yang parah, masih bisa dijadikan landasan amal dalam hal-hal yang bersifat keutamaan. Maksudnya, meski dha’if tetapi tidak palsu, jadi hanya lemah periwayatannya tetapi tetap hadits juga. Dan jumhur ulama pada umumnya bisa menerima hadits dha’if asal tidak terlalu parah, paling tidak untuk sekedar menjadi penyemangat dalam keutamaan amal-amal (fadhailul a’mal).
Apalagi bila kita merujuk kepada landasan syar’i tentang pengucapan selamat kepada seseorang, yang dalam bahasa arab disebut dengan istilah tahni’ah. Sebenarnya syariat Islam punya landasan syar’i secara umum. Yaitu yang bersumber dari peristiwa diterimanya taubat seorang shahabat nabi SAW, yaitu Ka’ab bin Malik. Saat Allah mengumumkan bahwa taubatnya
diterima, berduyun-duyun para shahabat yang lain bahkan termasuk Rasulullah SAW ikut memberikan ucapan selamat.

Sekedar menyegarkan ingatan, shahabat Ka’ab bin Malik adalah salah satu di antara mereka yang membolos tidak ikut perang Tabuk. Lalu sebagai hukumannya, beliau diboikot untuk tidak boleh diajak berbicara bahkan diasingkan selama beberapa lama. Setelah selesai masa hukumannya, Allah SWT kemudian menerima taubatnya. Saat itu kemudian Rasulullah SAW pun ikut memberikan ucapan selamat.
Ketika Aku mengucapkan salam kepada Rasulullah SAW, beliau sambil menurunkan wajahnya karena bahagia bersabda,”Berbahagialah dengan hari terbaik yang melawatimu semenjak kamu dilahirkan ibumu.” (HR Bukhari)
Maka ucapan selamat itu datang dari mulut nabi SAW sebagai ungkapan ikut berbahagia yang sedang dirasakan oleh Ka’ab saat itu. Dan sebenarnya, siapapun sah-sah saja mengungkan rasa turut berbahagia dengan beragam ungkapan, tanpa harus diatur-atur secara baku. Sebagaimana setiap orang dibolehkan mendoakan temannya dengan lafadz yang disukainya.
Wallahu a’lam bish-shawab, Wassalamu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh
Ahmad Sarwat, Lc
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MSI GTX580 Lightning Review


by Tom Logan

MSI GTX580 Lightning Review

Marketing is always full of semantics. Companies love to proclaim their card as the 'Fastest in the World'. Sometimes that's true only because there is more than one GPU on the board. So the HD6990 is the Fastest Graphics Card in the World, but not the fastest single GPU.

For those of us in the know, we always respect being able to do the most with the least, which is why the GTX580, the "Fastest Single GPU in the World" always makes us smile and drool, in equal quantities. Anyone can be super-fast with a multi-card setup. To have crushing performance from a single chip, that's something special.

In case the standard GTX580 isn't quite enough for you though you might look to a pre-overclocked model. If you've been around OC3D for a little bit you know how highly we rate the Twin Frozr cooling solution from MSI and here we have a Twin Frozr equipped, pre-overclocked model in the form of the MSI GTX580 Lightning.

Seems like a perfect combination. Is it?

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Z68A-GD80 (B3)


Z68A-GD80 (B3)

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CeBIT 2011 in Hannover, Germany MSI Showcases Big Bang Series, Military Class II and OC Genie II


One of the world's top three largest computer information-related events, CeBIT 2011, will be held from March 1st to March 5th this year in Hannover, Germany. World-renowned mainboard and graphics card manufacturer MSI will be displaying a series of its elite products with next-generation hardware: The long-awaited feature rich Big Bang-Marshal (B3) enthusiast mainboard; award-winning Military Class II build philosophy that symbolizes supreme quality and stability; OC Genie II one touch easy overclocking technology. Covering every aspect from stability to performance, MSI proves they are the leaders in innovation and continue to lead the industry with the best features available.

Extreme Performance – Big Bang Marshal (B3)
The Big Bang-Marshal (B3) enthusiast mainboard, which made its debut at CES 2011, used its complete expandability, excellent performance and extreme features to attract the attention of many users and media but did not showcase all the details. During this year's CeBIT2011, the Big Bang-Marshal (B3) will be completed unraveled for consumers. MSI's newest flagship product, the Big Bang-Marshal (B3), not only uses MSI's newest quality standard – built with second generation military standard materials and parts – it also supports the industry's maximum 8 slots PCI-E 2.0x16 design, and is equipped with Creative's top-class X-Fi MB2 sound field enhancement technology. It can simultaneously take care of the three most important elements that gamers and power users care most about: system stability, graphics performance and audio experience.

Overclockers also get the best feature set to push their system to the limit: a 24-phase DrMOS power design, dual 8-PIN CPU power supply, a 6-PIN VGA power supply design -- all which can steadily provide power when overclocking the CPU and mainboard, achieving optimal performance.

Military Class II Components – Top Quality and Stability
MSI's widely appraised first generation military standard -- an effort to provide consumers with better product quality and stability – was a huge success and provided a great platform to build your PC system. Now, MSI has improved to a second generation military standard materials and parts for Intel's newest P67/H67 series. It features the Hi-c CAP for 8 times the lifespan of an ordinary solid capacitor, over 30% more power efficiency increase with the super ferrite choke (SFC), and a solid CAP with over 10 years of lifespan, combining to provide the best build quality and design for longer lasting products.

OC Genie II – Overclock with the Push of a Button
In addition to quality and stability, in this exhibition MSI will display its second generation OC Genie II overclocking technology. Getting a system boost has never been so easy! The functional activation allows activation from buttons on the mainboard or the UEFI BIOS interface allowing you to release the potential performance hidden in the system.

If you wish to sell all the various technology or products mentioned above, you are welcome to visit MSI's booth at CeBIT Hall 17 C38 from March 1st to March 5th. We will have professionals onsite to provide detailed explanations for you.
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MSI's Extends partnership with LucidLogix Lucid Virtu support on MSI Z68 mainboards


MSI, the leading Mainboard and Graphics Card manufacturer announces an extension of its lasting partnership with Lucid through the inclusion of the Virtu GPU virtualization technology with the upcoming MSI Z68 Mainboards. Lucid and MSI have enjoyed a fruitful collaboration ever since work started on MSI's Big Bang Fuzion mainboard, world's first mainboard featuring Lucid's HydraLogix chip for true vendor independent multi-GPU technology. Today's announcement is a firm indication of MSI's continuation as a leader in computer graphics products and technologies.

MSI Z68 mainboards with virtualized graphics
Through the integration of Lucid's Virtu technology. MSI's Z68 based mainboards are able to combine the best features of Intel's HD2000 and HD3000 integrated graphics such as Lightning quick video decoding and the power of discrete graphics cards such as MSI's Lightning or Hawk series Graphics cards. Utilizing Lucid's Virtu technology allows MSI's Z68 mainboards to have low power consumption during light graphical workloads, like playing web games or viewing videos and give the graphical horsepower you need when playing 3D games.

MSI's Industry-leading Graphics Technologies
Over the years MSI has quickly established itself as the most innovative player on the computer graphics market. MSI was the first mainboard manufacturer to support Lucid's HydraLogix technology the true vendor independent Multi-GPU graphics technology. MSI's graphics cards are known as the fastest in the world, with MSI's Lightning series being crowned multiple World Record holders thanks to its extensive engineering and maximum use of technology to give end users the most stable and fastest graphics card available. Combining the Award winning discrete graphics solutions from MSI with the nimble Graphics virtualization technology from Lucid.

MSI Z68 lineup
MSI will have a complete lineup of Z68 based mainboards with Virtu technology. All based on MSI's renowned Military Class II components, like Z68A-GD80(B3), MSI's mainboard with three way graphics supporting AMD CrossFireX and NVIDIA SLI technology. All MSI Z68 mainboards are equipped with MSI's one click overclocking technology OC Genie II boosting not only the Processor speed, but also the Intel HD2000/3000 graphics and memory speeds, of course also available on Z68A-GD65(B3). For HTPC users, MSI offers the Z68MA-ED55(B3) in a microATX form factor and has the same high quality components and dual graphics capabilities.
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MSI P45 FSB Testing

Just tried MSI P45 Platinum, as always msi is a challenging mabo. it is too bad highest validation was corrupted, and we realised later after bench, all one core disabled validations getting x alt whatever, we got these results with one core disabled, probably not the max, may continue for better results if have time,, here it is for now

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AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 / MSI 790 FX / XFX 4870 X2


AMD Phenom 2 X4 955 / MSI 790 FX / XFX 4870 X2

A couple of months ago AMD released their initial AM3 CPUs, the 810 and 720. These processors were the first to use DDR3 on the AMD platform and while each was priced attractively they failed to live up to the performance of the DDR2 based Phenom 2 X4 940. Today AMD release the latest AM3 processor, the 955 Black Edition, the first to have a real chance of competing with the 940 in that all important enthusiast market. Combined with a high specification 790FX based motherboard and ATI GPU it creates what could be AMD’s most powerful system ever.

Today we take a look at the latest performance figures from the AM3 (Dragon) platform using the 955, MSI’s new 790FX-GD70 and XFX’s 4870 X2. Is it finally time for AMD users to make the switch to DDR3?
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MSI Z68A-GD80 (Intel Z68) Motherboard Review






Author: Shane Baxtor

It's been a long time since we've had a look at a board from MSI, but the release of a new chipset from Intel seems like the perfect time to look at one. Today we'll be looking at the MSI Z68A-GD80 which is one of the two Z68 boards MSI are currently listing on their website.



Aside from the Z68A-GD80 we're looking at today, the only other one currently listed on the MSI website is the Z68MA-ED55 which is a mATX board. So if you're looking for something that's going to fill up your case, the chances are you'll be eyeing the bad boy we have with us today.


Due to the fact that we've already done an extended look into the MSI Z68A-GD80 in our MSI Z680A-GD80 Preview a few days back, we won't be going into any detail on the board or package as we've already covered that extensively. Instead we'll be getting straight into the BIOS to see how that looks before we cover overclocking and then of course the performance of the board in a large range of benchmarks.

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MSI 260GTX OC EDITION 3DMark06 & Crysis

Hi huys to days ago arrived at home my MSI 260gtx OC EDITION and my ASUS P5Q DLX. In this my first test i decid directly bench with oc, after this test, belive me the vga and cpu want more oc, so check this out my bench for now, later i will try with more oc.

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Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan : 1. Bagaiaman Garansi MSI di A3 jika masa ganransi sudah habis - kewajiban A3 setelah masa garansi habis adalah membantu servis - Kita akan berusaha untuk membantu servis semaksimal kami mampu - Jika A3 tidak mampu dan harus dikirim ke RMA (Taiwan) kita akan bantu kirim ke RMA dengan konfirmasi terlebih dahalu, dan biasanya waktu yang dbutuhkan cukup lama tergntung persetujuan user kalo setuju kita kirim kalo tidak kami kembalikan - Barang yang sudah dikirim ke RMA ditengah waktu tiba2 di batalkn tidak bisa kami kembalikan secapatnya harus mengikuti jadwal pengiriman yang telah ada, PERHATIAN: Garansi MSI tidak berlaku jika untuk hal-hal sbb 1. Produk MSI sudah dluar garansi OOW (Out OF Waranty) 2. Disebabkan karena bencana, gempa bumi, petir, kebakaran, tergangan abnormal, dsb atau kegagalan karena faktor lingkungan lainya 3. pengoperasian produk MSI tidak mengikuti buku petunjuk penggunaan dari produk 4 Barcode hilang 5. Komponen diganti oleh custmer sendiri tanpa izin dari MSI atau mengganti dengan komponen yang tidak asli

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