N480GTX Lightning gets Editor's Silver Choice from HardOCP!
"The MSI N480GTX Lightning has a very effective cooling device..."
"About the best thing I can say about a video card’s fan noise is simply 'I didn’t notice it.' "
"Whereas the stock NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 cooling device generates enough sound to warrant comparisons to a hair dryer, the MSI N480GTX Lightning was quietly hushed. "
"The cooling device on the MSI N480GTX Lightning is quite effective..."
"As we watched Furmark run, the N480GTX Lightning warmed to 75 degrees Celsius, which is 19 degrees cooler than the stock GTX 480. That is even 10 degrees cooler than the Radeon HD 5870, which used far less power."
"Its very design and construction simply oozes quality. "
"MSI wants this to be the very best GeForce GTX 480 video card out there. Well, as near as we can tell, it is exactly that. "
"If you do choose this video card, you will be getting one of the best configurations of a GeForce GTX 480 out there. You will find superior cooling (which is cherished on GTX 480 video cards) and the ability for very high custom overclocking utilizing Voltage tweaking. "
"the MSI N480GTX Lightning is built for the ultra-enthusiast looking for the highest grade components and best chances for overclockability with a custom cooling solution that works. If this is you, this is your GeForce GTX 480.."
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Read more: http://www.hardocp.com/article/2010/10/26/msi_n480gtx_lightning_video_card_review/1 |
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